Negative to Positive

Photo by Danny Lines on Unsplash

Photo by Danny Lines on Unsplash

Frustration Angry Overwhelmed Sad Lonely

Upset Useless Hopeless Anxious Annoyed

All of these negative emotions I have felt at various times. I still could but in the moment I choose to feel differently.

I do this by looking at the ‘Broader perspective’.

By taking a moment to understand from a different perspective.

Why am I feeling this way? 

Is it because someone has been unkind? 

Is it because someone is having a bad day and has vented their anger out on me?

Have I overreacted because I’m tired?

Have I reacted in a way because it is a habitual?

Do I really need to feel this way?

Does what happened really have anything to do with me?

Can I ‘let it go’?

Can I stand back in a balanced place and understand why it might have happened?

I can find the truth and feel it. 

The Truth is it’s not my fault

The Truth is I don’t need to feel this way

The Truth is I can choose to feel differently

The Truth is I can focus on something else and feel better. 

This process can be extremely difficult to follow, it can also become much easier the more you try it, dare I say even ‘simple’ too. 

I am not saying that I no longer have negative emotions but using this process I am able to choose to change to a more positive outlook more quickly and more often. I am able stop feeling negative by focusing elsewhere on something I love or that just makes me feel good. From that ‘better feeling place’ I can then look at the emotion I am feeling, understand it from a slightly different perspective. I have given the cause of the emotion less attention just for a while, to turn down the intensity and enable me to feel more balanced.  

Have a go next time you feel overwhelmed or anxious and see if you can help yourself in the moment.