Colour and how it makes you feel

Photo by Mario Gogh on Unsplash

Photo by Mario Gogh on Unsplash

Colours make such a difference to us, whether it is our favourite shirt or jumper, a beautiful cushion or the kitchen tiles. Different colours mean different things to us, yellow and grey were my primary school uniform colours, maroon was my secondary school jumper which always put me off ever having that colour again!

When we look at certain shades or tones of colour we can guess the decade, avocado coloured bathroom suites, not sure we’ll ever see them again!

I remember going to a friend’s for an evening to have colour analysis, which was a way of finding out which colours suit your complexion. It was extremely helpful and did make a huge difference to how I looked. There are some people who will love strong colours or particular shades and look amazing and others who will look washed out and ‘never’ wear a specific colour because of how it makes them feel. 

Have you ever been given something you would ordinarily love but is in a colour you hate? I know I have, I don’t like it and might even recycle, but there is nothing wrong with it, I just don’t like the colour. 

Our curtains and our duvet covers will usually be chosen by us for their colour, yes there may be other considerations but colour is key, we don’t surround ourselves with colours that make us feel uncomfortable or remind us of something we don’t like. 

Look at your clothes and what you prefer to wear, do you often choose a similar colour? Why? What draws you to those colours? Sit with colour feel the difference it makes to you. Surround yourself with colour that makes you feel good. Enjoy that feeling.