Emotional intelligence

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

This third lockdown has highlighted the need for this more than ever. Understanding why we have the emotions we do is so important. 

When we can start to recognise what triggers the negative emotions we can start to understand how to choose to react differently, seeing a broader perspective. 

The Triggers may be massively obvious such as wearing masks or watching the news, the little subtle ones are those that we don’t always notice.  Suddenly we aren’t feeling the love anymore, we might feel doom, anxiousness or sadness and we are not fully aware of why.

Be kind to yourself, settle yourself, remember things change and whilst we often assume that will be the worst scenario we can always have hope that it will get better. In fact if we spend our time focusing on all the good things going on right now instead of the bad, we will feel better. 

If we feel better and more balanced in ourselves we are enabling our bodies and minds to repair and create rather than shutting everything down, stagnating and becoming immoveable. 

So the next time you recognise that negative feeling without really understanding it, sit with it, notice how it is making you feel, ask yourself what it is and see what comes into your mind or thoughts. Then highlight the Truths that ARE….for instance:

The Truth is I don’t have to feel this way

The Truth is I can focus on the positive

The Truth is it’s not my fault

The Truth is I want to feel differently

The Truth is I can choose to feel good

The more you can do this the easier it will become. Remember it is not anyone else’s responsibility to make you feel good. You can do this even if it starts with a few seconds. Choose it, if you want to.