Let's Imagine


Words from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory “Pure Imagination”

“Want to change the World? There’s nothing to it.”

John Lennon wrote “Imagine” and this line really resonates with me

“Imagine all the people living for today.” 

To imagine can be difficult sometimes but I invite you to come with me and imagine…

You are by a river, it might be one you know well or one you have never seen, it doesn’t matter. Try to imagine a river in the countryside at this moment. One where you would be able to hear the birds and notice the peace around you. 

Are you there?

Now I want you to notice a boat or canoe by the side of the river, it is waiting for you. 

This is just for you.

Get into the boat and make yourself comfortable, it has some coloured blankets and pillows for you to really get cosy so allow yourself to lie down. 

Yes lie down there is no need to steer or look where you are going.

Now breathe, slow and long breaths.

The boat or canoe is now going to gently leave the riverbank, you can feel the movement below you as you lie on the bed of pillows and blankets, you might want to put a blanket over you too.

Do you feel a light breeze or is the warm sun shining down?

Feel the ripples and waves under you, feel the flow that you are in, allow the feeling of freedom, enjoy the feeling of letting go.

As you lie there you can see the clouds above you, the white fluffy clouds against a gorgeous deep blue sky.

Occasionally you will see the tree branches over your head when you come to a narrower bit of the river, see the leaves, the different shapes and sizes, perhaps trying to think of the names of them, or not.

Watch the birds that fly over and notice the different bird song that you hear around you.

Allow the feeling of free flow, that knowing you’re going in the right direction, in perfect time for you, just enjoy the ride, notice the beauty of nature around you.

Breathe it in to your lungs, feel yourself settling …..

You can imagine to be that bird in the sky or the person enjoying the trip on the river, you can imagine riding a horse with the wind in your hair, you can imagine being at the top of a mountain and seeing river below you…imagine and enjoy your imagination. 

Your imagination is there to enjoy in any moment. 

If you want to listen to some of my short meditations and have Facebook you can find them  @intentionTherapy