The First Lockdown Lessons

While some of the country starts to lockdown again I thought I would contemplate on what the initial lockdown taught me. 

It taught me to start looking after myself even before others. I have often tried to encourage clients and friends of the benefits of  self-love and self-care, just as putting the oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on someone else.

I started looking up at the sky and enjoying watching the clouds float by.

I walked the dog every day and at that point was able to call my mother and chat to her… every day. 

I started working on myself, at last I had time, time that I could spend investigating who I really was, who I had become and who I wanted to become, soul searching. 

I started to notice the change in people some became very judgemental and some rallied around and helped so many.
I saw the panic and anxiety that seemed to pop up everywhere, the behaviours in many that were so alien - from buying huge amounts of ‘stuff’ to fill the cupboards just in case to those terrified to go out in case they caught the virus. 

Watching the latest crazes that people were doing online to keep their spirits up and those wonderful key workers getting on with it every day. 

I was fortunate enough to have the time and space to think and be. I learned how to work with energy, I learned to listen to clients on the telephone and support them with their anxiety, support them with finding out who they wanted to be and encouraging them to step into their power. 

I am very grateful for that time. I have no idea if I will be shut down again from the hands-on work that I do but I understand that I can still support clients with their emotional wellbeing and therefore their physical wellbeing over the phone or via the internet.