The Choice is Yours


Every minute of every day we make choices, we may believe that others make us make the ‘wrong’ choices or we are not given the opportunities to make the ‘right’ choices. 

Our life is up to us ... we can make the choices we know are right for us, but sometimes we think it is too difficult. 

So here we are in February, I wonder how many of you started the year with New Year resolutions, how are you feeling about them now a few weeks on?  

I have seen many of my clients with a real feeling of ‘hope’ for this year or perhaps even this decade. Though the end of 2019 seemed quite bleak for so many, the news has been filled with negativity, anger, fear and horrific stories from around the world. 

We seem to be looking more at what we can do for ourselves, how to make our individual lives better, how to make ourselves more healthy, how we as individuals can make a difference to the larger issues. 

I am noticing more people seem to be looking inward rather than complaining about the actions of others. 

We can choose to be kind rather than judging others, choose to be supportive to others who are struggling BUT if you can choose to look after yourselves FIRST you will find the previous statements so much easier. 

Be kind to yourself first, notice how it makes you feel, notice how it makes you smile. I always remember ‘treat others like you would like to be treated’, but so often you see people aren’t kind to themselves at all. 

I am now kind to myself every day, I deserve to be kind to myself and I am trying to encourage all those around me to be kind to themselves… we have a choice every minute of every day. Choose Love not Fear. It can make all the difference, watch the ripple effect.